The Steam version of ET is not simply any of the previously available ET versions put on Steam. If you know your way around handling Steam integration into games and are interested in bringing in your expertise into ET: Legacy, please reach out to us! So far, however, this is new territory for us.

On a more personal note, we are excited to play around with the Steam features, which is why we are investigating the possibilities that steamworks integration would bring to the project. We are currently getting in contact with the right people to make ET: Legacy on Steam a reality. That being said, having Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory on Steam significantly improves the chances of ET: Legacy coming to Steam. How to run ET: Legacy natively on Linux through ET Steam app How to play ET: Legacy with ET Steam release For instructions on how to do that, please check the following two video tutorials by Aciz. However, you can still make ET: Legacy run with the Steam version of ET. Much like RealRTCW does for the Steam version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. We still would require a Steam page of our own. Therefore, we cannot simply move ET: Legacy to Steam as a 'mod' to the original game. Unfortunately, the Steam version of ET does not include a Steam Workshop integration. The most important question regarding this Steam release for our project obviously is:Ĭan we now bring ET: Legacy to Steam as well? Therefore, let's take a moment to talk a bit about what the Steam release is and isn't and what options it brings with it.

The increased interest in a nearly 20-year-old game is incredibly motivating and for a community project like ours opens up so many opportunities.

Additionally to this, you also have those players that use ET: Legacy or vanilla ET clients. Yes, six THOUSAND! Before that, the daily average was around 300 per day, which already is amazing, but this recent increase is unprecedented.Īccording to Steam Charts we have had an average of nearly 300 concurrent ET players this week and this is only counting those with the Steam version. To put it into perspective, the first day after the announcement over 6000 new downloads have been registered on our website for ET: Legacy 2.80.1 'Path Cleared!'. With the official Steam release of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory we've seen an unbelievable resurgence in player counts for the game across all clients (Steam version of ET, original ET and ET: Legacy). If you actually missed the news, yes this is real. ET is on Steam! Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was released on Steam.Ī dream come true for so many of us who have been with this game for years.