Most people bitten by an infected mosquito will never de- velo p any symp toms, and only one pers on out of 150 peop le with symp toms will deve lop the more serious West Nile encepha- litis. Inhuman s,the vir uscan cau se W est Nile fev er and ence phali - tis, an infection that can cause inflam matio n of the brai n and death. Ther e wer e 60 Pen nsyl vania ns who teste d posit ive for the disease last year. The virus led to the death of four people statewide, including retired Wil- kes -Barr e polic e office r Jose ph Kra wetz, who died in Augu st at age 82 after being bitten by a viru s-carr ying mosq uito. In Lu ze rn e Co un ty th er e wer e 139 posit ives. That kicked off a year that brought 3,656 pos- itive tests for the virus, the high- est recorded numbers of human, bird, mosq uito and vete rinar y positives since 2003. The first posi- tive mosquito was discovered in Berks County on May 4, the ear- liest ever on record. Bec aus e of the mild win ter and ear ly spri ng, 2012 prov ed to be a record year for the virus in Pennsylvania. “While the farmers were suf- feri ng, we wer e rej oicin g,” St- redny said. He said the delayed start lo- cally this year is likely thanks to the hard freeze that occurred in mid-May. Stredny, who over - seesWest Nile Vir us surv eillan ce for the Luze rne Cons erva tion District, noted that last year the first positive in the county was reported May 8. “We are taking the necessary precautionsĪaro n J. “Thi s sto rm has the pote ntia l to pro - duc e ver y hea vy dow npo urs that cou ld result in up to 3 inches of rain in a short period,” Leighton said in a press release. Department of Public Works employ- ees normally working at the golf course will be avai lable to assist with flood and debris cleanup.Hol len back Golf Cou rse, on Nor th W ashing ton Stree t, will be closed today because of the storm and is expected to reopen for business on Friday.The Cit ywi de Sur veil lan ce Cam era System also will monitor creek levels and other areas of concern.Police and fire departmen ts will moni- tor cre ek lev els and floo d-pr one are as throughout the storm.The Barney Street and Regent Street bridges were to remain open Wednesday while weather condit ions were monitor ed throughout the evening hours.The bridge at Waller and South Frank- linstreet s wasclosedat 5 p.m.Wed nesd ay.Wilk es-Barr e Mayor T om Leighto n met with his top staffers and emergency services chiefs and annou nced the follo w- ing “minimu m preca utionar y measur es” in the areas of Solomon Creek and Hol- lenback Golf Course in accor dance with the storm predictions from the National W eather Servi ce: Luzerne County emer gency manage- mentoffic ialswillrema inon aler t forflood - ing associa ted with W ednesda y night’ s and today’s heavy rains, while Wilkes-Barre of- ficials announced and put into effect pre- cautionary measures on Wednesday. “Some of these are still going to be classified allies and Americans won’t be as safe as they were two weeks ago. But he also warned that disclosures about the secret programs have eroded agency capabilities and, as a result, U.S. He saidhe wan ts theinforma tionto be chec kedfirst by other agencies to ensure that the details are correct. Alexander said he will provide additional in- formation to the Senate Intellige nce Commit- tee in closed session today and hopes to have as many details as possible within a week. “I do think it’s import ant that we get this right, and I want the American people to know that we’re trying to be transparent here, protect civil liberties and privacy but also the security of this country,” Alexander told a Senate panel. Keith Alexander said the public needs to know how the programs operate amid growing con- cerns that government efforts to secure the na- tion are encroaching on Americans’ privacy and civil liberties.

Vig oro usly defe ndin g the pro gra ms, Gen. 6,452 reads.Įmbassies: Lily, The Grey Wolves GWS, Cacophonous States of Unanimity, Thanksgiving, Brasilistan, New Pandora, Christmas, Pencil Sharpeners Puppet Storage, GWS The Grey Wolves, Union of the North, The League of Based Nations, Racoonist Confederation, The lemon hub, United Nations of Jerusalem, H Y D R A, The Great and Mighty Region of Morshu, and 643 others.WAS HINGT ON - The directo r of the Nation- al Security Agency said Wednesday that once- secret surveillance programs disrupted dozens of terr oris t att ack s, expl icit ly desc ribi ng for Congress how the programs worked in collect- ing Americans’ phone records and tapping into their Internet activity. Meta → Gameplay by Lily Publications Office 1 year 252 days ago.